Executive Board

Each High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) is governed by an Executive Board comprised of a combination of Federal and state, local, and tribal law enforcement executives from the HIDTA designated area. With the exception of one member from a United States Attorney’s office and one from a state or local prosecutor’s office, Executive Board membership is predicated upon the member’s commitment to the HIDTA mission as demonstrated by the full-time assignment of at least one staff member to a multi-agency HIDTA initiative. Executive Boards may include representatives of non-participating agencies, associations, or drug prevention and treatment organizations as non-voting - “Ex-officio” -  members of the Board.

In a manner that instills public trust and accomplishes the HIDTA mission, Executive Boards are responsible for the following:

  • providing direction and oversight in establishing and achieving the goals for the designated HIDTA;

  • managing funds;

  • reviewing and approving all funding proposals consistent with the overall objective of the HIDTA program, including the annual budget submissions;

  • reviewing and approving all reports to the Director of ONDCP for the designated HIDTA; and

  • overseeing the conduct of internal initiative reviews.

The Executive Board designates a chairman, vice chairman, and any other committees or officers the Executive Board determines are necessary. The current Oregon-Idaho HIDTA Executive Board chair position is held by the U.S Marshals Service, District of Oregon and the vice chair position is held by Hillsboro Police Department, Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police.

Oregon-Idaho HIDTA Executive Board Members:

Federal Agency Members

State and Local Agency Members