Executive Board

Each High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) is governed by an Executive Board comprised of a combination of Federal and state, local, and tribal law enforcement executives from the HIDTA designated area. With the exception of one member from a United States Attorney’s office and one from a state or local prosecutor’s office, Executive Board membership is predicated upon the member’s commitment to the HIDTA mission as demonstrated by the full-time assignment of at least one staff member to a multi-agency HIDTA initiative. Executive Boards may include representatives of non-participating agencies, associations, or drug prevention and treatment organizations as non-voting - “Ex-officio” -  members of the Board.

In a manner that instills public trust and accomplishes the HIDTA mission, Executive Boards are responsible for the following:

  • providing direction and oversight in establishing and achieving the goals for the designated HIDTA;

  • managing funds;

  • reviewing and approving all funding proposals consistent with the overall objective of the HIDTA program, including the annual budget submissions;

  • reviewing and approving all reports to the Director of ONDCP for the designated HIDTA; and

  • overseeing the conduct of internal initiative reviews.

The Executive Board designates a chairman, vice chairman, and any other committees or officers the Executive Board determines are necessary. The current Oregon-Idaho HIDTA Executive Board chair position is held by the Hillsboro Police Department/Oregon Association Chiefs of Police and the vice chair position is held by the U.S. Attorney’s Office- District of Oregon.

Oregon-Idaho HIDTA Executive Board Members:

Federal Agency Members

State and Local Agency Members