Course Synopsis
Microsoft Excel® for Public Safety™ is designed to help public safety personnel best utilize Microsoft Excel ® to successfully manage law enforcement specific data. Whether it is case specific data (e.g. telephone tolls, financials) or agency-wide data (e.g. arrest stats, fugitive lists, calls for service), it can be analyzed with just a few clicks using this powerful tool! This course is intended for law enforcement personnel, which includes: any sworn officer, support staff, administrative personnel, Supervisors and Management. Attendees need only a basic understanding of computers and Excel®. No technical or analytical background is required.
Course Objective
Course is designed to introduce and/or improve utilization of Microsoft Excel® for law enforcement specific data.
Course Flyer
Police Technical Training Solutions Staff (TBD)
To Register
Contact Oregon-Idaho HIDTA Program Coordinator Tim Doney: 503-947-8558